Varanasi - A Spiritual Journey through Social fiber...Part-X - Kashi Patrika

Varanasi - A Spiritual Journey through Social fiber...Part-X

Varanasi - A Spiritual Journey through Social fiber...Part-X

"उठो, जागो और तब तक न रुको जब तक अपना लक्ष्य न हासिल कर लो। "

As gradually the time was passing out day by day with these addictions once again the social reformers was there who helped the commoners against odds in these dire needs of time. There were many like Raja Rammohaon Roy, Gopal Krishna Gokhle, Swami Arvindo but the one who inspired them most was Swami Vivekanand. His words made them studious and smart enough about their work and to some extent curbed them to follow the suits of others by only going either to addiction or accumulating money. 

These reformers what basically did was converted their desire in a sense of pride; a kind of national fervor. People in masses followed Mahatama Gandhi for freedom movement on the path of Satya and Ahimsa which was the core essence of India's legacy. 

After Independence this National pride was available for a certain period till the followers of these social & political reformers were alive and was there to oppose the evils of society and- one more thing India in desperate situations remained a closed economy till 90s that was greatly required a nation like India -the country fought the battle of addiction and money accumulation one can say a different kind of capitalism which was always available for India there. 

- Siddharth Singh